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Statue In Garden
London learns from other cities on adapting to climate change (cont)

Press Release - From the Mayor of London

Notes to Editors

1. The London Climate Change Partnership was set up in 2001 and its aim is to help London prepare for the opportunities and challenges of inevitable climate change. The Partnership is comprised of public, private and voluntary sector members working together. These include: Government Office for London, the Environment Agency, Thames Water plc, the Association of British Insurers, the Corporation of London, the Association of London Government, the London Sustainability Exchange, the London Development Agency, Transport for London, Thames Gateway London Partnership and the Housing Corporation. Further information about the London Climate Change Partnership is available at:

2. The London Climate Change Partnership commissions research into the impacts of climate change and encourages it’s members and key stakeholders to routinely integrate climate change into their business plans and delivery strategies.

3. The Partnership has undertaken research into the following:
Adapting to climate change: a checklist for development
Climate change and London’s transport systems.
London’s warming. The impacts of climate change on London.
These can be downloaded from

4. The report was prepared for the London Climate Change Partnership by acclimatise. Acclimatise is a specialist climate risk management consultancy that helps organisations understand the threats, opportunities and costs of climate variability and climate change. For further information please contact: Dr Richenda Connell, Development Director, acclimatise T: 07909 840731E:

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